Merleau-Ponty reflects about the importance of words above the expression of a painting: “The comparison benefits not only our analysis of painting but also that of language. For it will perhaps lead us to detect beneath spoken languages an operant or speaking language whose words live a little known life and unite with and separate from one another as their lateral or indirect meaning demands, even though these relations seem evident to us once the expression is accomplished. The transparency of spoken language, that brave quality of the word that is all sound and the meaning that is all meaning, the property it apparently has of extracting the meaning from signs and isolating it in its pure state (which is perhaps simply the anticipation of several different formulations in which it would really remain the same), and its presumed of recapitulating and enclosing a whole process of expression in a single act – are these not simply the highest point of tacit and implicit accumulation of the same sort as that of painting?”
The possibility of creating a similar understanding between words and shapes and colours! There is still implicit a tacit knowledge that help us understand and continue a research into the world of meaning and self-expression. People have the power through words to create their own world and question themselves and even make choices. These characteristics enable anyone to recreate themselves not simply as an otherness but also as having the power of rediscovering another world and above all, themselves!
Language is perhaps a more complex medium than fine art but both have equal power of engagement. The two mediums can equally give a full sensorial experimentation integrating all our body and mind. They are after all a tool to connect and rediscover such a person as a world!
However far more wide, language is a tool the artist uses to speak to his audience and every person to one another, this is the language process initiated into the world and into the universe of possibilities confined in a human body and a human life. In addition this dimension can be overcome in order to achieve a transcendental realisation where a word is used simply as a vehicle to the development of a metaphysical process. A language which gives our perspective on things and hollows out relief in them opens up a discussion that goes beyond the language and itself invites further investigation into a universe of meaning and pleasure.
Is an image more powerful than words!? Can’t we obtain through language a far more regarding experience than with images! The same language that shape ourselves and make part of us!
(Merleau-Ponty, Indirect Language and the Voices of Silence)