- The box was very appealing when it was unwrapped, but there was also a questioning between being a box or a cube in conceptual terms.
- There was an interest in naming it because it was there were several possibilities to go with the box.
- They faced the object as an object so they felted restrained in doing something to the box.
- They used it as a support base, to make it functional.
- in some way the box made part of the family for while, and was created a relation even thought the object itself remained strange to them. The presence of it was a bit frightening because of its size.
- There was a slight contradiction in their behaviour with the object because in one hand it was almost like a sense of loss but in the other hand there was a kind of affection. It is also interesting how the object even thought it didn’t suffered any intervention it became an active object that completed some kind of gap.
- There was also the interest of going for a walk with the box and trying to interact with it in specific places. However the idea didn’t happen!
- At the same time there was a need to not engage with it, because it is something that an ordinary object would not require from you!
- The box had a lot of dust in it.
- The box has also the power to precede you into the room as something that was dislocated.
- Nevertheless there was a creation of a relation due to the box being attractive to them. The physicality of it and its basic and tactile attributes it was not divorced from them because they felt it belonged to the everyday world. Another point that was considered was that it was something natural and very practical to accept.
- There was an objectification of the box diminishing it. The object itself becomes an accumulation of space that seems to belong to place but still does not belong. Remains alienated. There seems to exist a boundary that keeps us to still keep close but at the same time distant from it.
- In some way part of our lives were brought as close as possible because of a need of interacting
- it is also relevant to say with no apparent intention there was created an aura in the object because they felt they could project anything to the box as long as the box remained with no intervention. Afterwards it becomes difficult and there is also other aspect that once the box itself becomes intervened until the point whether it loses its integrity!