It takes two people to produce a Relationship as well as an Artwork
Art as well as Society is an extremely cooperative system. The dense network of interconnections between members means that everything that happens in it will possibly be a function of all members. Artistic production is a relation of cause and effect that has as base the society. Our Communitarianism foundations lead us to understand and cooperate with what surround us in a beneficial way for everyone involved.
An understanding of this Communitarianism and also the state of encounter that immerse everyone in a dialogue can be a synthesis of a natural symbiosis between Artistic Creation and Relationships:
· Full-Filling
· In(ter)ventive
· Cooperative
· Un/conscious
· Fe< >male
· Re … creation
In addition a state of encounter doesn’t reflect the dissolution of an individual; on contrary it produces a common understanding between two individuals.
Me + You = We
You + We = Me
We + Me = You
Fabrice Hybert defines art as a social function among others, a permanent ‘digestion of data’, the purpose of which is to discover ‘the initial desires that preside over the manufacture of objects.
Art itself comes from the social exchanges that happen in our everyday life. A dialogue that is being constantly open in order to generate discussion around our daily encounters which art contributes to its development.
Besides art being an encounter with what surrounds us is also an encounter within ourselves. These encounters can be defined as a reinvention of the self and an otherness as a means of defining the responsibility of every person involved. The outcome in our daily activities is the production of a subjectivity that is forever self-enriching its relationship with the world. The encounter becomes then more valuable than the product whatever it may be!
This can be called the reenchantment of life because allows a person to a dynamic approach to the banal and eclectic consumerism that preaches cynical indifference towards life!