The aesthetic experience is not something reserved for some. It makes part of our everyday life and is experienced by everyone in different degrees of understanding. However when an artistic experience is framed by experts loses its dynamic power to communicate effectively.
Abrech Wellmer says that, when an artistic experience is used/thought in a different context from where the experts have defined it, the experience itself becomes even richer. This means that in our everyday life an aesthetic experience with an artistic object can very easily renew the interpretation of something, our needs perhaps, and change the way we perceive the world. The power of such genuine sensation generates the fulfilment of a dialog established directly with the vehicle that made it possible.
We have the power to find such an experience in our everyday life, but it seems that when something is controlled by an institution or exalted by a group of people, our power of intuition is weakened. Are we being directed towards a specific meaning or intention!?
Even though we have our own power of discernment can we be immune to what surround us! Can we have a pure aesthetic experience! Probably not because our knowledge has several references to which an experience may mean to us. However the question that is being posed here is whether such an artistic experience can touch us when removed from the plinth and brought to our everyday lives!
Our lives become then the stage for an aesthetical experience and a not museum or a gallery or the even the object itself!
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