In continuation of last week essay I would like to take here other angle of approach I did last week in relation to the creator, creative act.
The other point that I think is worth taking in consideration is the fact that the artist is in some way the extension of the world that surrounds him/her. The creator lives in a world that is completely immersive and because of that, no one can deny the information which is bombarding us daily. All of this becomes determinant when the creator is a sponge that is continuously absorbing everything else apart from them. However in some cases not even themselves are left apart from a spiral of almost delirious reflection. The perfect picture that I have to explain this is the washing machine that takes a certain amount of clothes in its recipient until certain limit. During the washing process, one cannot identify clearly shapes or colours so it becomes a shapeless mass of clothes/thoughts. However in the end everything gains its original form and the difference it is in the cleanness which is predominant in the clothes and the same thing happens in the creative process where everything suddenly gained a new look. This can be understood as a way of rediscovering but mainly giving a fresh vision of what surrounds us, without any king of prejudice or censorship. Nevertheless the artist as far as I am concerned is reusing methods over and over again and that doesn’t bring necessarily fresh understandings of anything basically! Has the creator become a lazy mathematician that is trying to apply the same formula to everything he/she does!?
Mathematical formulas are present in our everyday life. The creator just has to introduce new variables without changing the equation system and in the end he gets the same result but with different consequences. It turns out to be a question of reading the results that disturb the system itself. The result achieved is constituted by all of us that accept one work/interpretation in two different contexts.
Why – maybe the artist is tired and tries to find solutions close to him to then change the variables.
There is a lack of thought within the audience, and as consequence it is no longer required to live under a roof provided by the artist (In addition is made of glass) because he can no longer assure an enchantment in any measure. ...
Has the creative process become underrated! I don’t think so, but definitely there is in some way a sentiment towards it that in some way forces the creator to neglect new approaches to the equations already provided.
1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
ReplyDelete2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
[Max Cohen, Pi (a film by Darren Aronofsky)]
So, an artist is just a kind of analytical pattern-chemist? An explorer who is combining and mixing the exisiting ingredients, elements and current modules with the aim of creating something new or, well, creative in mind?
In relation to your questions, I would like to clarify you that the question that you have put is already in my opinion the answer to your own doubts!
ReplyDeleteThe three points written by [Max Cohen, Pi (a film by Darren Aronofsky)] are as far as I am concerned a very pragmatic view but nevertheless is effective for the several uses someone wants to give to it. The artist/creator or any other individual uses that kind of method to process the information even though he/she may not be aware of that fact!
When you have someone analysing and observing society in general and understanding their behaviours everyone can easily reach an opinion about their own findings about society and use them to everything it might be suitable for them!
In the case of the artist or any kind of creator there is always the need to search through the past and find different or new solutions to the existing ones.
It is a good example the one you gave for the artist as a ‘analytical pattern-chemist’, because when an artist asked about that position will most definitely deny it, however we can’t misunderstood the fact that the artist is not producing a chart of any kind to analyse what to do next! This is the kind of process that is used by market analysts who decide what kind of product people would like to see in the shelf’s of their favourite store.
The creative process is as far as I am concerned a sparkle that only represents the beginning of something and not the end. Involves a much more dynamic mind process, which is not always conscious.
The equation that I mention is going to be presented in the next text, however is not a mathematical equation, but illustrates what I want to say as a way of explaining that the creator becomes a ‘washing machine’ that gives clothes/objects/facts with a new face!
nao me lembraria nunca de relacionar o acto criativo a lavagem de roupa (talvez porque coloco todos os dias a maquina a lavar) mas questiono-te sobre isso mesmo, entra suja e sai limpa durante o processo nada se distingue e depois retoma a forma inicial, queres dizer com isto que ideias pre concebidas so sao limadas e nunca mudificadas ou de vez em quando existe um programa de lavagem quecorre de forma diferente e sai algo novo?
ReplyDeleteA tua linha de pensamento está correcta no entanto o que tu referes como: ‘entra suja e sai limpa durante o processo nada se distingue e depois retoma a forma inicial’, não é completamente linear. Tomando outra vez a metáfora da máquina de lavar, é certo que a roupa retoma a forma inicial mas apenas como uma leve reminiscência do que existia anteriormente na forma original porque na realidade há uma ligeira diferença. No que respeita ao seu estado final já não é igual ao seu estado inicial embora seja muito parecido.
ReplyDeleteO que quero dizer é que as ideias como tu
referes são retrabalhadas a partir de referências já existentes, no entanto o conteúdo permanece com muitas poucas alterações e sua apresentação é completamente diferente. Se tu pensares no redesign que a indústria automóvel exerce sobre os seus modelos perceberás aonde quero chegar.
Para Finalizar nem sempre assim acontece como tu referes quando algo sai que é novo. O novo realmente percebe-se que é algo de diferente, no entanto vive-se numa era que por mais que queiramos contradizer existe uma fronte de ‘forte neblina’ que se abate sobre nós!
Razões são poucas e clarificações parecem ser ainda mais escassas!